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Call for Abstracts

Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract for the upcoming Joint Convention of the Forest Products Society (FPS) and the Society of Wood Science & Technology (SWST) at the Marriott in Fort Collins, Colorado, United States.
The Joint Convention organizing committee is spearheaded by FPS’ Vice President Joseph Jakes (Research Materials Engineer for the U.S. Forest Service at the Forest Products Laboratory) and SWST’s President-Elect Francesco Negro (Associate Professor of Wood Science and Technology at the University of Torino, Italy).  This dynamic duo are two leading researchers dedicated to encouraging and facilitating the development and application of technical knowledge that will enable Joint Convention attendees to derive maximum benefit from renewable wood-based materials and forest products production.

Check out the Technical Sessions tab to see more detailed information on sessions.
If your abstract does not fit under any of the designated topics, please select the General session option.

Once you have submitted your abstract you will receive an email confirmation.
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