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2024 Award Nomination Deadline: February 9

The Forest Products Society will celebrate leaders and innovators in the forestry industry with its Annual Excellence Awards at the 2024 International Convention. FPS members are encouraged to nominate outstanding contributors or encourage colleagues to do so.

To view the 2023 Award Winners Press Release, click here.

2024 Awards Chair: Frank Owens, PhD, Mississippi State University

Fred W. Gottschalk Memorial Award

The Fred W. Gottschalk Memorial Award recognizes and honors exceptional service to the Forest Products Society by an individual member. The Award is presented annually in memory of Fred W. Gottschalk, the first President of the Forest Products Society who died in a plane crash in Salt Lake City in 1965.
To be eligible for nomination, the candidate must have been an active member of the Society for a minimum of 10 years with a demonstrable history of service to the Society. 

To submit a nomination, send a letter of recommendation and the nominee's background to
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2023 Fred W. Gottschalk Award Winner

Nicole Stark, PhD

Wood Engineering Achievement Award
The Wood Engineering Achievement Award recognizes accomplishments and innovations in the discipline of wood engineering including structures, structural elements, building codes, consensus standards, design procedures and education. 
The Award alternates each year between three categories: Lifetime Achievement, Young Engineer, and Engineering Innovation. The 2024 category is Engineering Innovation.

To submit a nomination, send a letter of recommendation and the nominee's background to

2023 Wood Engineering Achievement Award Winner - Young Engineer

Emily Williamson, PhD

L.J. Markwardt Wood Engineering Award
The L.J. Markwardt Wood Engineering Award is intended to encourage research and promote knowledge of wood in the engineering field as a means of enhancing the efficient utilization of wood. This Award was established in 1969 by L.J. Markwardt, a Charter member of the Society, who was for many years an Assistant Director at the USDA Forest Products Laboratory in Madison, WI in charge of Wood Engineering Research. 
The Award is presented annually to the author or authors of a technical paper published during the two calendar years prior to the award year in either the Forest Products Journal  or Wood and Fiber Science that is judged to be the most outstanding research paper in the field of wood as an engineering material. 

In 2024, wood engineering research papers stressing engineering science (basic research) are eligible for the Award.

To submit a nomination, send a letter of recommendation and the nominee's background to
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2023 L.J. Markwardt  Award Winner

Tu Ho

"Investigation of Thermal Effects on Nailed Connection of Mass Ply Panels"

Published in FPJ 72:4

FPS Wood Award
The Forest Products Society’s Wood Award (first and second place) recognizes and honors the most outstanding research in the field of wood and wood products conducted by graduate students. The Wood Award is the most prestigious award in the area of graduate research in wood and wood products. The 1st Wood Award was presented in 1948, and with the exception of the years 1951 and 1952, it has been given annually since its inception.

The graduate student author must have been registered for a full quarter or full semester at any university or college during the prior year. The paper must be in English, limited in length to between 2,000 to 4,000 words, and in a format consistent with that of a submission to a scientific journal. For judging purposes, any reference to the university or institution where research is or was conducted, and any mention of the author's name must be deleted from the title page and the body of the text. 

To submit a nomination, the graduate student's research adviser should send the student's paper and a letter of recommendation to
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2023 FPS Wood Award Winner - 1st Place

Yunyi Liang

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2023 FPS Wood Award Winner - 2nd Place

Chong Chen

Distinguished Service Award
The Distinguished Service Award is presented to the individual who has demonstrated outstanding dedication to the Forest Products Society and biomaterials industry as a whole. The award recipient will have contributed to the society and the industry throughout their career through research, society leadership positions, and service.
To submit a nomination, send a letter of recommendation and the nominee's background to
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2023 Distinguished Service Award Winner

Justin Price, PE

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